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Clean mobility by CO2 cycle…

This is how Power-to-Fuel works:

Filter the raw material, CO2, from the ambient air, then add hydrogen and energy, and the fuel is ready. The energy that is used in the process comes from renewable sources.

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About the Association

The purpose of Clean Fuel Now is to promote the development and production of CO2-neutral synthetic fuels from renewable energy sources. The goal is to use them as a substitute for CO2-producing fossil fuels. Synthetic fuels are not only essential to the decarbonisation of the transport sector, but can also make a significant contribution to the development of renewable energy technologies.



Motion Böhni was accepted by the Council of States!

The CO2 law has to be adopted! On the 8.03.2017 the Motion Böhni was adopted by the Council of States. The Motion was also adopted in the National Council. 




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